We Appeal for your URGENT contribution of any amount suitable for you to the Medical Aid Fund.
COVID 19 infections are spreading rapidly and devastatingly to our Students, Research scholars and Alumni. In most cases, family members of students are also suffering. In this crisis, while we are trying to provide mental and financial support to those who are in emergency need, your helping hands might contribute more for us and for the students to overcome the adversity causing due to pandemic.
An Appeal for donation to the
"Medical Aid Fund - CUCHEAA" of the Alumni Association

Respected Alumni,
We hope you are doing well. We're reaching out to let you know that we are kicking
off a campaign to help our alumni members and students, and we need your help!
Our Association is a registered body with major objectives of helping the
Departmental Students in different ways to build their future. The motto of the
Association is also to put together a fellow feeling among former students of the Department.
We are a small organization working for the betterment of students. Beside this,
there are many areas where we are bound to concentrate as a responsible people of the
Society. We have shown our passion and commitment, time and again, during
natural calamities, disasters and for many other social works.
We also have provided financial aids for medical treatments to our alumni and students.
All these efforts and necessities are fulfilled by your rebuilding minds and whole hearted supports.
In our recent-past experiences, we find the problem of not having a particular Fund for Medical aid purposes from where we can release money, in no time to the sufferer alumni, considering immediate medical treatment requirements. Bearing in mind the shortfall, the proposal of Executive Committee to form a Medical Aid Fund has been accepted in the Annual General Meeting (2020) of the Society.
Following the pledge, we have opened a savings account for the specific purpose of medical aid. On behalf of the Association, our sincere appeal to all of you for making generous donations to the Fund as per your suitability and availability. We have put all our hopes in you and are expecting a positive response from all corners of our alumni.
Thanking you,
Prof. Parameswar De
Prof. Asim Kumar De
President - CUChEAA
Hony. Secretary - CUChEAA
Details of the Medical aid fund:
Name of the savings bank account: Medical Aid Fund CUCHEAA
Account No.: 98210100002204
Banker and branch: Bank of Baroda, Rajabazar Science College branch
IFSC Code: BARB0EXTCOL (*After BARB, put Zero not alphabet 'O')
MICR Code: 700012130
P.S.: A little bit can go a very long way to help our alumnus and alumna. Please take a minute right now and make a donation.