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  • Alumni of the Department


    The begining was in 1922 when the 'First Batch of Alumni' passed out from the Department of Applied Chemistry of the University of Calcutta. At that time the Degree was M. Sc. in Applied Chemistry. From then we have a rich sources of our Alumni. A good numbers of Academicion, Researcher, Technologist and Entrepreneur were/ are the proud Assets of ours. The traditions of attaining professional Excellency by our Alumni are still proceeding on. Presently, the Department of Chemical Engineering is one of the topmost departments of the University.
    With the vast resources of our Alumni, in India and abroad, we are able to form an Association, Registered under the West Bengal Societies Registration Act 1961. The Association is of individuals of passed out students of the Department of Chemical Engineering and the former Applied Chemistry Department. Associates for the well-being and academic developments of Students are also invited to the Association. It is the help and cooperations of our Alumni to make the Association engaged in organizing Technical lectures, Seminars, Workshops and Interactive Sessions in collaboration with the department of Chemical Engineering since its inception for career development of students.
    It has also been organizing in collaboration with the department, the Reunion of the past and present students, teachers and staff of the department and the former department of Applied Chemistry from long years.
    On the occasion of the Reunion we felicitate the Distinguished Alumni of the department, and also present Service Awards to the distinguished teachers and staff of the Department of Chemical Engineering as well as of Former Department of Applied Chemistry.
    The Association has instituted an Endowment Fund, by the name of Prof. N K Bose, used for carrying out Research Work in Thrust Areas.


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    A number of Fellowship/ Scholarship Funds has been created for the academic attainment of the students. Memorial Funds are developed for continuous and collective growth of the students during their course study. Funding has also been initiated for procurement of software, hardware, furniture and projectors. In this regard we feel proud to inform that out of the surplus of its Reunion -2003, the Association procured a LCD projector (first introduction in the Department) and donated that to the department. In addition, Bombay Chapter of the Alumni Association also donated a LCD projector being used by our department and also by the other two sister departments, i.e. Departments of Chemical Technology and Polymer Science & Technology.
    The Association extends financial help to the students for proceeding higher studies/ undergoing training at different institutions/ organizations. It has also started extending supports to the students by providing books, reprints and other materials for their design, seminar, project work and other courses.
    The Association is trying for establishing an e-library and providing Xerox facility to the students.
    A new Corpus as "Academic development fund" for the Department has been instituted in December, 2012. Out of this fund, the Association -
    (a) has procured one "SimSci" Software and 5 Computers, and established Networking facility with a view to develop a Simulation Laboratory to be utilized by the students, research scholars and faculty members of the department,
    (b) has generated "Book Bank" facility for providing text books of the courses to the under-graduate students of the department.
    Recently the Book Bank has been enriched by procuring more books to provide all text books to all UG students of the department by utilizing surplus of Reunion 2015 fund.

  • A glimps of Senior Alumni

    Dr. Hara Prasanna Misra (fourth from left) known as 'Father of Orissa Chemical Industries'. Dr. Tuhin Kumar Roy (fifth from right), one of the 'Jewel of Jewels' in Chemical Engineering all over the World.

  • Dr. Subrata Ganguly

    Dr. Subrata Ganguly, former Executive Vice-Chairman & MD, ACC. He was also the CMD of IPCL and ICI. Dr. Ganguly was regarded as one of the country’s leading experts on the petrochemicals industry.

  • Students in preparation of Reunion 2009

  • Meeting with the Alumni at Haldia Petrochemicals Ltd.