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Illustrious/ Distinguished Alumni Felicitation

Reunion - 2000

Sl.# Name of the Alumnus Pass out About
1 Dr. Tuhin Kumar Roy 1945

Dr. Tuhin Kumar Roy India gained independence in 1947 and a new Indian government was formed thereon. The new Government, led by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru decided to send the five top students of the country to MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) for the course of their choice on a full and complete scholarship over three years. This included the fare and a stipend for food, books, clothes and other living expenses. Dr. Roy was interviewed extensively and selected. He completed his Masters within two years. Dr. Roy did his doctorate thesis at MIT in "Fluid Bed Reactions and Fluid Bed Cracking" which are widely done nowadays in oil refineries. Read more about Dr. T K Roy>>

Reunion - 2003

Sl.# Name of the Alumnus Pass out About
1 Prof. Bimalendu Ghosh 1946

Prof. Bimalendu Ghosh Prof. (Dr.) Ghosh was one of the pioneers in the field of Chemical Engineering. It is told that it was his initiative to modernize the Department of Chemical Engineering and Technology of Punjab University.

2 Prof. Jagat Jyoti Ghosh 1947

Prof. Jagat Jyoti Ghosh Prof. Jagat Jyoti Ghosh

3 Dr. Haraprasanna Misra 1950

Dr. Haraprasanna Misra Dr. Misra came to Kolkata from Orrisa and took admission in the then Applied Chemistry department. His working experience in field and managerial skill took him to the topmost positions in Chemical and allied industries. He is well-known as the "Father of Chemical Industries in Orrisa".

4 Dr. Tilak Guha 1957

Dr. Tilak Guha Talented Dr. Guha is known as the "Dictonary" of chemical process industries.

5 Sri Samarendra Nath Mitra 1964

Sri Samarendra Nath Mitra Sri Samarendra Nath Mitra

6 Dr. Biswewswar Bhattacharjee 1965

Dr. Biswewswar Bhattacharjee Dr. Bhattacharjee was in the BARC. For his outstanding contribution in the field of work, received the prestigious " Padmashree" award from the Govt. of India.

7 Sri Samir Nayek 1975

Sri Samir Nayek Sri Nayek was in Reliance Industries Ltd. As Vice-President of Reliance Petro, he showed his talents during erection and commissioning of its Patal Ganga Unit.

8 Sri Ranjan Basu 1977

Sri Ranjan Basu Sri Ranjan Basu

9 Sri Gautom Mitra 1978

Sri Gautom Mitra Sri Gautom Mitra

Reunion - 2006

Sl.# Name of the Alumnus Pass out About
1 Dr. Phanindra Nath Mukhopadhyay 1946

Dr. Phanindra Nath Mukhopadhyay Dr. Phanindra Nath Mukhopadhyay

2 Dr. Prabir Dutta 1963

Dr. Prabir Dutta Prabir Dutta

3 Prof. Shyamal Kumar Sanyal 1965

Prof. Shyamal Kumar Sanyal Prof. Shyamal Kumar Sanyal

4 Dr. Pankaj Bhusan Kayal 1970

Dr. Pankaj Bhusan Kayal Dr. Pankaj Bhusan Kayal

5 Sri Sachi Dulal Majumdar 1971

Sri Sachi Dulal Majumdar Sri Sachi Dulal Majumdar

6 Sri Birendranath Das Biswas 1976

Sri Birendranath Das Biswas Sri Birendranath Das Biswas

7 Sri Prabhat K. Maity 1977

Sri Prabhat K. Maity Prabhat Maity

8 Sri Asish Panda 1977

Sri Asish Panda Sri Asish Panda

Reunion - 2009

Sl.# Name of the Alumnus Pass out About
1 Prof. Suddhasatwa Basu 1982

Prof. Suddhasatwa Basu Prof. Suddhasatwa Basu

Reunion - 2015

Sl.# Name of the Alumnus Pass out About
1 Sri Sourendra Nath Das 1979

Sri Sourendra Nath Das Sri Sourendra Nath Das

2 Dr. Tapan Kumar Banerjee 1981

Dr. Tapan Kumar Banerjee Dr. Tapan Kumar Banerjee

3 Sri Sanjib Roy 1982

Sri Sanjib Roy Sri Sanjib Roy

4 Sri Abhijit Pati 1987

Sri Abhijit Pati Sri Abhijit Pati

Reunion - 2018

Sl.# Name of the Alumnus Pass out About
1 Dr. Ramdas Bhattacharya 1979

Dr. Ramdas Bhattacharya Dr. Ramdas Bhattacharya, retired Outstanding Scientist and Former Vice Chairman, Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB), Government of India is a Chemical Engineer with Post Graduation in Ecology and Environment. He joined World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO), Tokyo Centre in November 2016 after superannuation from AERB in October 2015 and presently is serving as Executive Senior Advisor at WANO, Tokyo Centre. He is a qualified Lead Reviewer in Corporate Peer Review and Team Leader for Member Support Missions of Nuclear Power Plants under WANO, Tokyo Centre and a member of the Senior Leadership Team of WANO. WANO helps member companies for excellence in safety and reliability of Nuclear Power Plants for sustainable operation. He has to his credit many papers published in national & international conferences/journals and has represented India at various fora nationally & internationally. He was the Leader of the Indian delegation for Vienna Declaration on Convention on Nuclear Safety at International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Dr. Bhattacharya joined Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) Training School in 1981 and thereafter served under Heavy Water Board, Department of Atomic Energy for 13 years. He was transferred to Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, Mumbai in 1995 and served there for more than 20 years in various positions of Secretary, AERB, Director of two Divisions simultaneously and finally as Vice Chairman, AERB. While in India, Dr. Bhattacharya's expertise was being utilized by IAEA for development and review of various IAEA documents related to nuclear facilities as well as he was member of the IAEA Missions for new embarking countries like Turkey, Indonesia, Malaysia, Romania etc. for establishing new nuclear power plants. He was member/Chairman of various other Committees of Government of India like Environmental Clearance Committee for Nuclear and Strategic Facilities, Ministry of Environment & Forests and Climate Change (MoEF&CC), Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)-Chairman of Committee on Chemical Safety), Member Technical Committee of National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), Member Chemical Accident Investigation Committee of Maharashtra Government etc. He was the recipient of the AERB Leadership Award of 2012 as well as Indian Nuclear Society (INS) Outstanding Services Award-2014 for his contributions in the nuclear safety leadership.

2 Dr. Biswajit Maiti 1980

Dr. Biswajit Maiti Dr. Maiti joined Indian Oil Corporation Ltd (IOCL) and worked there for 7 years as Sr. Process Engineer in Gujarat and Haldia Refinery. Then he pursued his graduate studies (M.S.) in Chemical Engineering (Enzyme Kinetics) at Tennessee Technological University, USA in 1992 and Ph.D. in Biological Science (Enzyme Kinetics and Pharmacokinetics) at University of Georgia, USA in 1996. He is actively involved in Model Based Drug Development (MBDD) research for last 24 years to reduce number of patients, time, cost, and increasing the probability of technical success in US based and multinational pharmaceutical and biotech companies. The major focus of his research is application of Pharmacokinetic (PK: what body does to drug including metabolisms) and Pharmacodynamic (PD: what drug does to body including drug efficacy and toxicity) modeling approaches at various stages of drug development research. Also, he is involved in performing Population Pharmacokinetic/ Pharmacodynamic (POP-PK/PD) modeling and analyses to provide information that can support drug labeling claims and dose adjustments, if required, because of other diseases and other factors such as age, weight, height, gender, and race as demographic variations in the study populations. He has contributed in drug development research of more than 45 drug candidates (small molecules and biologics) on different indications like- central nervous systems (CNS), oncology, chronic obstruction of pulmonary disease (COPD), blood claudication, psoriasis, and dry eye syndromes in large and small USA-based pharmaceutical and biotech companies including Johnson & Johnson, Otsuka, Astellas, MGI Pharma, and Intrexon Corporation; and currently working as Director (Pharmacokinetics & Drug Metabolism Division) in SIGA Biotech (Oregon) for last 5 years. So far, 5 drugs have been approved by Food and Drug Administration (FDA) where his disease progression and computational methods describing the action of various drugs and mathematical models of drug action to determine optimal dosage regimens in patients were used and those approved drugs are: Abilify (anti-psychotic/schizophrenia), Pletal (intermittent claudication in legs), Dacogen (chemotherapy regimen for mylodysplastic syndromes), Saforis (oral mucositis in cancer patients), and TPOXX (small pox treatment [Govt. Bio-Defense Project]). Finally, he is also working with the drug selection committee to identify suitable new drug compounds for treatment of specific disease conditions and advance those projects as successful drug candidates.

3 Mr. Rabin Brahma 1984

Mr. Rabin Brahma Graduated in Chemical Engineering from University College of Science & Technology (Kolkata University) in 1985 (officially 1984). Joined NALCO in November 1985 as a Graduate Engineer Trainee and has since been a part of this Navratna CPSE with significant contribution towards its manifold growth. Worked in various capacities in the Alumina Refinery and Corporate office in critical positions, with special task of improving Alumina Refining Process & Technology. Visited a number of Alumina Refineries like Gove (Australia-NT), Worsley (Westren Australia), Alunorte (Brasil) for a better exposure to different alumina technologies and to carry forward a worldwide benchmarking exercise. Besides having rich experience in operation, Process control, quality control and R&D activities relating to large alumina refinery, had also been instrumental in successful implementation of the Refinery expansion in two phases to raise the plant capacity from 0.8 to 2.275 MTPA. Presently posted as Executive Director (Projects), I/C at NALCO's Corporate Office, Bhubaneswar, under Project & Technical Directorate, handling various projects in its Refinery, Smelter, Power plant & wind power project with total capital outlay in excess of Rs. 24,000 Crores. Credited with publishing several technical papers relating to Alumina Technology in National & International seminars.