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Next Webinar on June 13, 2021 @7:00 pm
Speaker: Dr. Bidhan Chandra Bag
(Alumnus - 1993)
Joint Director & Officer-in-Charge, DRDE (DRDO), Nagpur
Topic: "Chemical Process Development : A few Innovative Live Examples"
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Dr. Bidhan Chandra Bag

Dr. Bidhan Chandra Bag, Officer-in-charge (Head) of Chemical Defence Equipment Evaluation Facility (CDEF), Defence Research & Development Establishment, DRDO, Nagpur. Previously, he was Head, in the Process Engineering Division, CDEF, DRDE, DRDO, Nagpur. Dr. Bag obtained his B.Tech in Chemical Engineering from the Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta; M. Tech. in Chemical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology - Kharagpur and Doctoral Degree from Jadavpur University.
He is Life Fellow of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (IIChE) and Institution of Engineers (India).

Achievements and Awards:

Dr. Bag is involved in more than 20 DRDO projects out of which in more than 10 projects he was PI (Principal Investigator) and was Instrumental in the development of an Integrated DRDO Test and Evaluation Facility at Borkhedi, Nagpur. His successful research works lead to six Technology (PROCESS) transfers to Industry for real life application. Dr. Bag has visited twice abroad as team Member to OPCW (an UN Organization), The Hague, Netherland. He has more than 14 national and international journal publications. He also has book publication and contribution in book chapters.
In recognition to his long association with research activities in new fields, Dr. Bag has received many prestigeous awards:
1. Life Fellow of IIChE awarded in 2020
2. Life Fellow of IEI awarded in 2014
3. AGNI Award for Excellence in Self-Reliance – 2004
4. DRDO Technology Group Award (2008)
5. Best Performance Award 2010 and 2006
6. National Technology Day Award (DRDO) in 2006
7. DRDO Technology Group Award 2003 & 2011

Dr. Bidhan Ch Bag has five Process Patents in his name. He has the patent of processing Covid -19 wonder drug, 2-Deoxy-D-Glucose (2-DG).